Wednesday, January 1, 2025



We only know what the sweetness of happiness is --

by experiencing the opposite. And we only know how crushing sadness can be, by experiencing happiness. Our life is a constant spectrum, bouncing endlessly between these two basic states. Yet, when we truly reflect this Dunya is not our place of eternal salvation. It is merely our testing ground and path to that eternal happiness, that all human so naturally crave.

So let's recalibrate the GPS of our lives.

Let's make our destination is God.

Indeed, ever lasting contentment will only come from being close to Him.

May our road to our Lord be paved with divine love, light and grace always.


p/s : O' Allah ease my heart

Thursday, December 12, 2024



People are afraid to take action and create a better future for themselves because they are too worried about what others will think of them. Instead of learning how to REALLY make a difference in their lives, they work hard ; as everybody does.

The thing is --

If hard work alone had helped to create success and wealth,

everyone hardworking the 9-5 would have been a millionaire by now.

There is a specific reason why out of 33.5 millions people in Malaysia, there are only 17 billionaires.

The key to success is not working hard


is to be able to work smart.


p/s : Allah ya Ghani ya Mughni

Friday, February 2, 2024



True happiness, is the result of a number of factors and can only be achieved by striking a balance between the material and spiritual aspects of life. If we overlook the spiritual aspect of life, it will result in the illness of the soul, which is a common spiritual disease. The cure is quite to believe in Allah Almighty and to accept the faith that He has approved for mankind. This spiritual disease, if left untreated, will result in disastrous consequences.

The Prophet ï·ºsaid: “There is no Muslim servant who says in the morning and the evening three times: I am content with Allah as my Lord, with Islam as my religion and with Muhammad ï·º as my Prophet, except that it will be a right upon Allah to make him content on the Day of Judgment.” (Ahmad (18967)

True happiness is ultimately aimed to bless the individual a blissful life in the Hereafter. This is the noble cause that drives a Muslim to strive to become better.

Allah, the Exalted says: “And as for those who were [destined to be] prosperous, they will be in Paradise, abiding therein as long as the heavens and the earth endure, except what your Lord should will – a bestowal uninterrupted.” (11:108)

A believer does not believe in gathering as much wealth as he can in this life, for the Prophet (SAW) said, “This world is the prison of the believer and the paradise of the non-believer.”(Sahih Muslim 2956)

A believer who is aware of the bounties and blessings bestowed by Allah upon him and gratefully conscious that his very existence, body, spirit, intellects and faculties are gifted to him out of generosity, is moved to celebrate his Creator’s praises and be grateful to Him. Such a believer attains the satisfaction, blessedness, and inward pleasure, which is beyond description.



p/s : keep flying

Tuesday, June 6, 2023


At the end of the day, if someone wants to be in your life, they will be. Truly, if they are capable, they will make the effort, they will show up.

If they do not -- let that be your closure.

However, you do not have to hate them.

You do not have to remember their contribution to your life as anything but beautiful. Do not ruin them in your mind, do not grip until you feel resentment. Instead, love them without attachment. Love the lessons they taught you.

Wish them well every single time you think about them. Miss them, but do not ache for them to come back. If the people in your life left because they were not ready to value you, or love you, or be there for you, do not wish for them back, do not ask for them to be more than they can be at the moment. Wish for them to figure themselves out. Wish for them to grow. They are on their own journey -- a journey you are not a part of. And that is okay. You have to learn that, that is okay.

So instead of focusing on the people who left, focus on the people in your life who have chosen to be there. Focus on the ones who stayed, on the ones who appreciate you and respect you. Focus on the people who match the love you give them. Focus on the people who empower you and grow you and make your life beautiful.

You are surrounded by human beings who will not shy away from the love you give. You are surrounded by human beings who know that they want you in their life, people who show you that every single day. Do not take them for granted. Do not lose touch of what you have, chasing what you no longer do.

Trust me when I say --

You will miss out on beautiful things if you continue to stay rooted in all of the ways you were wronged, if you continue to let your past pull you from experiencing what the present has to offer you. Do not close yourself off to your potential. Instead, open yourself to the world, and allow for it to fill that space with the kinds of people, the kind of moments, and the kind of experiences that exhilarate you, that compel you -- that make you love yourself, and your life, and what you have to offer, more and more each day.

P/s : Jumpa beluncas hijau besaaar


Friday, May 5, 2023



Talk to Allah,
if you are confused about someone.
He will either move your heart closer or push you away.
Signs will show up, you will hear something about them, you will see a side you have not seen before, you will slowly begin to make a decision and you will eventually figure out if that is the right person for you.

Talk to Allah,
if you do not understand why certain things are not happening or why certain blessings are delayed. Somehow, He will give you assurance that your patience will pay off - that He is planning something far bigger and greater than what you had hoped for.

You will understand, in time, that maybe you were not ready to receive what you wanted when you really wanted it. You will understand that the things you wish or pray for change over time. You grow and you realize that what you wish for a year ago is totally different than what you wish for now.


The thing is talking to Allah does not fix you overnight.
But it gives you the tools and the resources you need to
overcome the confusion, overcome the hardships
and stay hopeful that better things are coming in your way.

Maybe we are always looking for a quick fix,
but quick fixes do not last.
They break easily.

Healing takes time.

Finding what is really right for you is a long and tumultuous journey. Miracle take time but they happen and only Allah can make them happen.

And when you learn how to talk to Allah, solitude becomes sweeter and somehow you feel safer because you know that there is nothing you cannot handle.

Everything will fall into place.

Everything will be okay.


P/s : Esok pulun open house raya. Hiks!