Showing posts with label lifelessons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lifelessons. Show all posts

Friday, February 2, 2024



True happiness, is the result of a number of factors and can only be achieved by striking a balance between the material and spiritual aspects of life. If we overlook the spiritual aspect of life, it will result in the illness of the soul, which is a common spiritual disease. The cure is quite to believe in Allah Almighty and to accept the faith that He has approved for mankind. This spiritual disease, if left untreated, will result in disastrous consequences.

The Prophet ﷺsaid: “There is no Muslim servant who says in the morning and the evening three times: I am content with Allah as my Lord, with Islam as my religion and with Muhammad ﷺ as my Prophet, except that it will be a right upon Allah to make him content on the Day of Judgment.” (Ahmad (18967)

True happiness is ultimately aimed to bless the individual a blissful life in the Hereafter. This is the noble cause that drives a Muslim to strive to become better.

Allah, the Exalted says: “And as for those who were [destined to be] prosperous, they will be in Paradise, abiding therein as long as the heavens and the earth endure, except what your Lord should will – a bestowal uninterrupted.” (11:108)

A believer does not believe in gathering as much wealth as he can in this life, for the Prophet (SAW) said, “This world is the prison of the believer and the paradise of the non-believer.”(Sahih Muslim 2956)

A believer who is aware of the bounties and blessings bestowed by Allah upon him and gratefully conscious that his very existence, body, spirit, intellects and faculties are gifted to him out of generosity, is moved to celebrate his Creator’s praises and be grateful to Him. Such a believer attains the satisfaction, blessedness, and inward pleasure, which is beyond description.



p/s : keep flying

Friday, September 9, 2022




Menjadi dewasa itu boleh dikata tentang menerima dan berdamai dengan keadaan yang ada. Kerana di hadapan, kita akan didatangkan dengan banyak hal yang tidak menyenangkan. Mahu kembali ke masa lalu, tidak mungkin kan?

Mahu kesal, kecewa dan marah?

Itu juga hanya membuat perasaan jadi penat. Beberapa hal memang akan hancur berantakan dengan ekspektasi yang diinginkan.

Jadi ia sebenarnya adalah perihal mengikhlaskan, walaupun tidak mudah menerima hal yang tidak menyenangkan dengan hati yang lapang. Jangan terlalu sering menyalahkan diri sendiri. Maafkan kalau nyatanya banyak kegagalan yang dilakukan. Maafkan juga kalau keadaannya membawa kita ke ekspektasi yang belum boleh diwujudkan.

Kadang kita lupa, kita suka memaksa diri kita sendiri untuk sesuatu yang belum pasti.

Nikmati prosesnya 🌾

P /s : Bukan tentang biadap tetapi hormat, boleh?

Monday, August 8, 2022



Now that I have seen and experienced so much in my life. I feel that forever is not time bound. Although it is a measure of time but in actual sense, it lies in the small moments that you keep creating as life goes on. Those moments become memories and those memories last till you breathe.

The real meaning of 'forever' signifies loyalty and truthfulness. You giving this word to the person you love, requires honesty in it and you must remain intact as long as you exist in this world.

Let me quote the cliche line --



Had you been aware of the coming times, you would be so conscious that you could never be able to enjoy the present. Don't you agree? And now, you don't know what is next and you cannot foresee the coming tomorrow.

So, you gotta love, care, create, feel and live in between the seconds and the minutes. Understand that your 'forever' is right now, here in this very moment by the side of the person you love and to whom you will love eternally.

'Forever' is hidden in the small moments.

P / s : Count your blessings.

Monday, April 4, 2022

Bibir Yang Luka.


Dengan bibir yang luka,

bagaimana harus menyebut,

kata-kata manis,

atau menegur dan menyapa,

teman dan kenalan,

yang tak pernah mengerti,

perit derita pengalaman.

Dan bila suara berdarah,

mulut dipenuhi kepedihan,

hanya mata dapat berbicara,

dan hati mentafsirkan,

erti dan makna --


Cukuplah kiranya,

setiap kali bertemu,

menghulurkan tangan,

tetapi usahlah ditanya,

kenapa ada kegementaran,

dalam genggamannya.


P/s : B e r s a b a r l a h.

Thursday, March 3, 2022


Having faith in Allah does not give you some form of immunity towards the problems and challenges of this life.

You can have faith in Allah and still feel sad, hurt, heartbroken and depressed. The thing about faith it is meant to restore hope within you and to remind you that there will be a better tomorrow, but as humans, Allah has created us with complex emotions and we were meant to feel them and yes, that includes feeling sad too.

The point of having faith is not to have problems or remain unfazed by them, it is to know that even in the depths of the darkness you are facing, you are never alone and Allah is always there with you. Your faith is not directly proportional to your emotions, feel them, validate them but know in your heart that better days will come, insyaAllah and you will get through this and there is light at the end of this tunnel, hold on a little more, and just a little more remains.

Salaah, du'a and the Quran are life vests to keep us afloat when we are drowning. It does not mean we won't be thrust in an ocean. It does not mean we won't sometimes feel like we can't breathe and like we are being dragged under.


even when facing the highest wave, even if at times we are swallowing water and gasping for air, it is knowing we have some-One Who will bring us back and keepus afloat and help us get back to the safety of the land again.

And know that despite the negative ways others may make you feel, Allah is the One to Whom you can be vulnerable. Where we can shatter, where we can show every insecurity and know that we are still worthy.

The prophets (PBUH), has shown us that even when others do not understand, even though with your amount of worship, the struggles of life are incredibly overwhelming.

With Allah, you always have a safe place.

"Mental illness is a special trial, no bruises, no evidence. Just a silent battle that Allah has hidden from the world."

P / s: Hasbunallah Wa Ni'mal Wakeel

Wednesday, February 2, 2022




Begitu mudah lisan mengaku sayang, namun sikap sering hadirkan luka. Mungkin hati tulus memberikan cinta namun perilaku tidak enak dirasa. Berukhuwah itu berlandaskan cinta kerana Allah semata. Lantas bila benar-benar cinta mampukah diri berbuat yang sesuai dengan ajaranNya?

Bertutur santun kala bersapaan. Menebar senyum kala berpapasan. Berbincang penuh kelembutan. Dan raut wajah nampak cerah memesonakan.

Jangan pernah sengaja bersikap tidak sopan. Jangan pernah serta merta berbahasa yang mengandung kebencian. Apalagi menampakkan raut wajah penuh permusuhan.


Apa yang mau dicari, ketika keburukan cermin hati terbaca teman kita? Atau kita bangga dengan hawa nafsu yang sudah mendominasi hati kita? Amarah yang penuh kesumat telah mengikis kesucian jiwa. Padahal bersaudara dengan orang beriman sangat banyak kemanfaatan. Menjaga kita dari kesesatan, menjadi jalan menuju keselamatan, dan di akhirat berhimpun dalam syurga yang penuh keindahan,

Nasihat indah seorang ulama, Yahya bin Mu'adz Ar Razi berkata,

"Hendaknya kamu mempunyai tiga sikap terhadap sesama mukmin; Jika kamu belum mampu memberinya manfaat, maka janganlah kau beri kesusahan. Jika kamu belum mampu membuatnya gembira, janganlah kamu buat sedih. Dan jika kamu belum boleh memujinya, maka janganlah kamu mencela."




InsyaAllah penuh berkah.

Bila kita menjaga ukhuwah dengan akhlakul karimah.


P/s : Ya hayyu ya qayyum, birahmatika astaghis.

Friday, January 1, 2021

Ya Rabb, aku futur tanpa cintamu.


Nak tahu cinta Allah bagaimana?

Saat kita jatuh dalam dosa, Allah ketuk pintu hati kita untuk berubah dengan pelbagai cara. Cuma kita yang akan menentukan samada kita mahu berubah ataupun tidak. "Wahai Tuhanku, janganlah engkau pesongkan hati aku sesudah engkau berikan petunjuk (hidayah) kepadaku."


Banyak manapun dosa kita ;

kita tak solat lima waktu,

tak berpuasa dibulan ramadhan,

tak menutup aurat dengan sempurna,

hatta dosa kita menggunung tinggi sekalipun,

berlarilah semula kepada Allah. 


Kerana Allah yang datangkan ujian dalam hidup kita.

Maka, selayaknya Allah jualah tempat untuk kita meminta pertolongan. Luahkan segalanya hanya pada yang pemberi ujian iaitu Allah. Kerana itu adalah tanda kekuatan dan kebergantungan kita kepada Allah. Yakinlah itu Allah Maha Mendengar. Benar-benar Maha Mendengar. Sungguh tiada sebaik-baik pendengar yang setia melainkan hanya Allah yang Mengetahui akan segala isi hati.

Berulang kali Allah bagitahu dalam Al-Quran,

"Bahawa tiap kesukaran itu disertai kemudahan."

Dan Allah siap bagitahu bila kita mahu berharap, cukuplah kita hanya berharap kepada Allah. Datangi Allah dalam apa jua cara. Meskipun kamu sampai harus merangkak di padang pasir demi untuk mendekati redha dan cinta Allah, lakukanlah.


Dan janganlah mencari Allah hanya bila kita perlu sesuatu daripada Allah.


p/s : Peninggggg :(

Friday, February 14, 2020


One of our core needs is the need for recognition. As long as we don't feel recognized we experience some kind of fear that we are not enough. Social media owe a big part of their success to the human craving for validation,

and it seems like we have forgotten what it means to have true confidence.


Confidence is not about looking strong and invulnerable. Confidence is about being who you truly are with all your imperfections because you are not so concerned about what others think of you; you are more concerned about what you think of yourself.

"The insecure compete against other people, while the confident compete against themselves."

Being confident doesn't mean we have to show everyone how good we are;
it means that we know we are enough without having the need to show off.



"Stars don't shine because they want to be seen; they shine because they are stars."



P/s : Alaa burung yang berkicau tadi dah terbang :(

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Tempat kerja.


Ustaz Pahrol pernah kata,

"Tempat kerja tempat yang lama kita berada. Jika balik rumah, kita balik dan tidur. Di tempat kerja kita jumpa dan berurusan dengan orang. Jika kita tidak bahagia di tempat kerja maka kita tidak bahagia."


Nasihat Dr Fadilah Kamsah kepada mereka yang mahu berhenti kerja sebab tak boleh kerja dengan orang, sebab rasa tak dihargai, sebab kawan-kawan tak ngam dengan kita,

"Betulkan diri kita dahulu. Betulkan niat kita. Doakan semoga orang-orang yang tiada hubungan baik dengan kita akan menjadi baik dengan kita, doakan untuk bos supaya bos sayang kita, doakan untuk company semoga company sukses."


Sebenarnya senang kita nak rasa disayangi ditempat kerja. Sangat mudah nak dihormati, dipercayai dan rasa tenang ditempat kerja.

  • Tanamkan niat kerja kerana Allah. Pasti Allah bantu niat kita yang lain seperti nak bantu keluarga, nak bayar hutang dsb..
  • Buat baik dengan semua orang, dengan kawan-kawan sekerja, dengan pembantu, dengan pelanggan, dengan pelawat dsb..
  • Jangan mengadu domba. Nampak kesalahan orang, mudah adu pada bos dan jadi bahan umpatan dengan kawan-kawan. Jangan mulakan! Ini virus, pembunuh senyap ditempat kerja.
  • Berlapang dada dengan apa jua yang dihadapi ditempat kerja. Tenang akan selalu menang :)
  • Sentiasa ucap terima kasih pada bos dan kawan-kawan.
  • Mohon maaf jika bersalah. Jangan ego.
  • Senyum, usah mudah sangat berubah muka (Ini cabaran jugak bagi aku, dushh ==')


Tempat kerja adalah rumah kedua kita. Tempat kita mencari rezeki. Jika ditempat kerja kita bermain dengan perasaan; kita tidak suka dengan rakan sekerja, kita membenci, bagaimana doa kita mahu dimakbul Allah?


"Sebaik-baik manusia adalah yang memberi manfaat pada yang lain."

Semoga kita mampu.
Allah ease.

P/s : Penat tapi seronok :)

Friday, November 9, 2018


Don't break a bird's wings and then tell it to fly.
Don't break a heart and then tell it to love.
Don't break a soul and then tell it to be happy.
Don't see the worst in a person and expect them to stand by your side.
Don't play with fire and expect to stay perfectly safe.


Life is about giving and taking.
You can't expect to give bad and receive good.
You also can't expect to give good and receive bad.

Does it happen?

Yes, but don't make that an excuse for you to keep doing what you know is wrong.



Don't blame life for what you do.

P/s : O' Allah make it easy for me, not difficult. Aaminn.

Monday, October 15, 2018



Orang tua-tua dulu selalu pesan kepada anak mereka yang akan merantau jauh dengan mereka,

"Solat kamu jangan sesekali tinggal tau"


Bila difahami betul-betul, pesanan itu membawa seribu makna. Dalam tempoh pembesaran kita, setiap ibubapa mempunyai tanggungjawab untuk mendidik bab agama kepada anak masing-masing. Setiap ibubapa tahu anak dia setakat mana. Sebab tu kadang-kadang, jangan marah mak ayah kita kalau tidak diizinkan untuk merantau. Sebab mereka tahu jikalau kita jauh dengan mereka, agama kita akan tergadai. Sebab apa? Solat kita pun cincai-cincai, disuruh solat pun sempat lagi membalas whatsapp.


Sebab itu apabila ibubapa yang betul-betul mendidik anak mereka dengan agama, mereka akan berasa senang hati untuk melepaskan anak mereka merantau di negeri orang. Kerana mereka tahu, didikan agama sudah diberi. Yang tinggal hanyalah diri sendiri untuk membawa diri di negeri orang.


Sahabat sekalian, ketahuilah. Kemana sahaja kamu melangkah, agama itu jangan sesekali kamu tinggal. Amalkan betul-betul didikan agama yang telah diberi supaya tidak terlalai dengan permainan dunia. Uruslah dunia ini dengan agama. Tuntutlah ilmu agama walau di mana kamu berada.


Moga-moga Allah permudahkan urusan kita semua 💕

p/s : Lagi tinggi harapan, lagi besar kekecewaan.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Untuk kita.


"Aku" dan "Kau" - biar kita merasa lebih dekat.

Dalam hidup ini, antara perkara yang perlu kita pesan pada diri, ada sesuatu Allah tetap tak beri walaupun kita dah sehabis usaha. Contohnya,


Dalam pelajaran, dalam perhubungan, dalam pekerjaan dan macam-macam perkara.
Dalam pelajaran ; Kau belajar susah payah nak test nak kuiz nak itu nak ini tapi hasilnya biasa-biasa saja, pendek kata langsung tak memuaskan bagi kau. Ataupun kau dah berusaha kumpul carrymarks berlebih-lebih tapi bila result final keluar masih sama tiada perubahan, tak dapat keputusan yang baik. Kau pun mula jeling-jeling orang lain. Lagi sakit hati bila yang duduk study last minit atau study tak banyak mana itulah boleh dapat keputusan lagi hebat dari kau.

Habis tu, kau nak kata apa? Allah sangat tak adil?

Ramai yang rasa dan pernah mengalami situasi macam ni. Aku pun salah seorang yang tak terlepas. Tapi Allah beri rasa bahagia dari sisi lain. Satu saja aku nak pesan, jangan pernah sekalipun salahkan Tuhan.

Sedangkan Dia lebih tahu apa yang lebih baik dan atur untuk kau. Janji kau terus usaha dan tak putus asa. Sebab bila kau usaha tapi masih juga tak dapat apa yang kau nak, memang jelas ada something Allah nak tunjuk dan ajar ; ada sesuatu yang lebih baik untuk kau.


Okei. Mari cuba kita belajar pandang sisi baik.

Mungkin Allah nak kau terus gigih usaha supaya kau dapat genggam dan gapai sesuatu yang lagi tinggi dan kau tak pernah terfikir pun untuk dapat. Mungkin Allah tak izinkan kau dapat apa yang kau nak sebab kau akan berbangga-bangga, bongkak diri bila Dia beri kejayaan besar pada kau dengan usaha sekecil itu.
 Jadi Dia jatuhkan dulu kau sebelum kau dapat bangun panjat lagi tinggi. Biar kau ingat ; setiap apa yang Allah beri bila-bila saja boleh ditarik balik. Cantikkan jalan cerita yang Allah cipta untuk kita?

Kawan, hidup ini kita tak boleh terus mengalah bila sekali tak dapat capai apa yang dihajatkan. Kena terus usaha sebab Allah sangat tak suka orang malas. Kau sedih, kau tak puas hati semua terus diadu pada Dia. Aku jamin Dia akan 'pujuk' kau dengan cara paling romantis kalau kau tahu cari Dia.

Nanti bila kau dah terpujuk, bangun dan terus maju kehadapan. Kita belajar dari hidup, dari sekecil-kecil hingga ke sebesar-besar perkara.


Luaskan pandangan, cari sisi baik setiap takdir yang sudah direncanakan. Jangan asyik cari yang buruk sampai mata hati tertutup dan menggelapkan dunia yang kau hidupkan.

Remember --

Allah loves you more than you can imagine. He saw good in you even when you could not see good in yourself.


p/s : Heads up, u've got this.

Monday, January 15, 2018


Sometimes when people become religious, they feel that it is necessary
to become the police for the rest of the world.

Whether it means belittling, insulting or condemning others.
We should always remember, the most religious from us was our Prophet (pbuh)
and he wasn't rude or obnoxious towards anyone.
None of us are wearing the clothing of the people of Paradise yet.

Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future.

Show mercy and you will gained mercy.
Show respect and you will earn respect.

It really isn't difficult at all.


Take care.
Be kind.

May Allah blessed.

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Akhir 2017.


Terima kasih untuk semua kenangan.
Terima kasih untuk setiap jatuh bangkit,
luka berdarah, ribut banjir
yang mendatang.

banyak yang aku belajar.
Terlalu banyak.


Yang pergi --
terima kasih mewarnai kisah ini.

Yang baru kemari --
moga terus melakar memori.

Yang tak lokek disisi --
tetaplah temani hingga nafas terhenti.

Jangan pernah menyesal dengan apa yang terjadi.
Demi Tuhan,
manisnya kan menjengah nanti.


Hidup mana yang tidak pahit, sulit.
Namun itulah rencahnya.
Buat kita merasa si namanya bahagia.

Sesekali menangislah.
Usah ditahan segala pedih.
Kita masih sebatas manusia.
Yang ada jiwa dan rasa.
Namun tetaplah terus berjuang.

Bukan untuk sesiapa, tetapi buat Tuhanmu cuma.


Terima kasih untuk segala.

credit #perempuanmatahari

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Tanda kasih.

Bahagiaku bukan kerana memiliki segalanya,
tapi kerana bersyukur dengan apa yang ada.

Bahagiaku bukan kerana emas permata,
tapi kerana punya cinta & kasih sayang keluarga yang dijaga.

Bahagiaku bukan kerana aku sempurna,
tapi kerana aku belajar menjadi yang terbaik apa yang aku bisa.


kita takkan merasa bahagia hingga mampu
menikmati, mensyukuri, menghargai
dan menjaga segala kurniaNya.

Ya Allah
atas rasa syukur ini,
kurniakanlah kami kebahagiaan untuk selamanya
didunia & akhirat

Aminn --

Thursday, March 23, 2017


One year older, one year wiser


Semoga dipermudahkan jalan rezeki.
Semoga dikurniakan umur yang diberkati.
Semoga tidak menyakiti dan disakiti.
Semoga dicukupkan kesempatan berbakti untuk ibubapa.



"You can't calm the storm, so stop trying.
What you can do is calm yourself, the storm will pass"

p/s :dirgahayu.

Friday, December 2, 2016


Nobody is perfect. Everyone can improve. And to improve, you must change.
That is the truth.

To change, you must try new things. New ways and new tools.

Get feedback.


 Reflect on what worked and what did not.
Adjust yourself accordingly. You will learn. You will grow.


Of course, you can use skills to get more good grades in college. Graduate with distinction.
Five years later, no one cares.


But if you got skills, it allows you to learn better
and smarter.
Skills to develop good habits.
Skills to focus, reflect, and persist.

Once you stop learning, you start dying.


p/s : Allah knows what your silent heart wants.


Wednesday, November 23, 2016


You know,
I get the feeling that a lot of people often forget that our reward is with Allah.

People get worked up because they cannot see the reward of their good deeds in this Dunya and they fail to realize that the reward for the good they do is with Allah. He will reward us when necessary and in His own way with what is best for us, and insyaAllah with Jannah.

Everyone needs to stop looking for rewards in the Dunya.
You are nice to someone but they are not nice back?
Don't give up.

Your reward is with Allah.
We don't do things for the people, we do them for the sake of Allah.

It is about our intentions. So much can be changed into ibaadah just by reforming our intentions. Example, we go to school and study. Not just so we can get an education and to please our parents but also to be educated enough to earn a halal income in the future, to support our families and to spend and give in charity.


Everything is about intentions.

And the beautiful thing about intention is that they are just between us and Allah.
People don't know our intentions. They can guess but only Allah knows. Sincerely.

p/s : May Allah bless.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Little do we remember.

Always be the best person you can be.

Be kind even when you are tired.
Be understanding even when you are angry.

Do more than you are asked.
And don't asked for anything in return.
Don't silently expect anything either.

Listen when someone talks,
and really listen too.
Stop just thinking of how you will reply.

Tell people that you love them,
and you appreciate them.

Go out of your way to do things for people.
Be the greatest person you can possibly be,
and when you messed up,
make up for it in the next moment
or minute
or day.


One thing you should never do?

Never spend your time trying to prove to anybody that you are great.
Your actions will speak for themselves.

And we only have limited time on this earth,
don't waste it.

If someone doesn't see your light, don't worry :)
Like moths, good people are attracted to flame and light.
They will come.

#soulbraille #asmilethatcovershatteredheart

Monday, May 2, 2016


Assalamualaikum and Hi.

A relationship with no trust is like a cell phone with no service.
All you can do is playing games.

Having someone to trust is one of the greatest tools a person can have in life. The trust between two human beings is one of the most wondrous reactions that two people can easily share. When we trust someone we are basically able to give them as much as love as we want to know that they will only use this love wisely and will never use this love against us.

When we deal with people we know we can trust, we know that we have someone that we can confide in with any given secret in our lives and know that i will not ever be leaked. We know that we could give them the shirts off of our back if they needed it and they would give us the shirt off of their back if we needed it.

Trust is one of the biggest relationship makers and breakers.

With trust, a relationship is able to grow.
Without trust, a relationship will crumble.

p/s : may Allah ease.