Wednesday, November 23, 2016


You know,
I get the feeling that a lot of people often forget that our reward is with Allah.

People get worked up because they cannot see the reward of their good deeds in this Dunya and they fail to realize that the reward for the good they do is with Allah. He will reward us when necessary and in His own way with what is best for us, and insyaAllah with Jannah.

Everyone needs to stop looking for rewards in the Dunya.
You are nice to someone but they are not nice back?
Don't give up.

Your reward is with Allah.
We don't do things for the people, we do them for the sake of Allah.

It is about our intentions. So much can be changed into ibaadah just by reforming our intentions. Example, we go to school and study. Not just so we can get an education and to please our parents but also to be educated enough to earn a halal income in the future, to support our families and to spend and give in charity.


Everything is about intentions.

And the beautiful thing about intention is that they are just between us and Allah.
People don't know our intentions. They can guess but only Allah knows. Sincerely.

p/s : May Allah bless.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Pernah rasa?

Hati kau dihenyak berkali-kali,
Direnyuk lumatkan tanpa belas,
Hingga jiwa itu mati sendiri.

Ohh ya,
Mungkin kau bukan siapa-siapa,
Jauh sekali punya satu dunia,
Yang ada cuma sipi-sipi saja.

Barangkali mereka terlupa,
Kau juga spesisnya manusia,
Yang ada hati dan rasa.

#asmilethatcovershatteredheart #perempuanmatahari

p/s : Apa-apa jee asal bolehhh