Showing posts with label merapuraban. Show all posts
Showing posts with label merapuraban. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 3, 2021



Destiny --

The universe has already figured out what happens to the heart afterwards. For you, who used to say hello when the rain never stopped.

The current me no longer wants to think about you, maybe the current busy-ness has caused this. In the stage of keeping myself busy, I have a lot to do so that wasted work and thoughts will be eliminated.

I don't think of you as something in vain, the business of thinking about you the heart plays a role, unfortunately it disturbs my concentration first, you know? My heart is often out of control, becomes restless and uncertain ; is forced to turn to something useful.

Do you still remember? Have you ever had to turn back the memory of that time? When it rains, for example. Is there an irregularity that I used to say. I know you realized from the start. Of course, it is clearly illustrated by your sudden silence and didn't decide to answer.

I am now only following the orders of His destiny. What will happen in the future, I believe His commands always lead to happiness for His servants. Thus, everything happened according to His will, including the presence of feelings that were difficult to define. Now is enough to complete the endeavor.

I took a breath, felt the happiness that I often ignore. I straightened my feelings, wiped the water that came out of the corner of my eye. Tears flowed along with the grievous wound planted inside.

I took notebook, part of which was filled with various writings from the heart. I record all the events that I think. Let all that is in the body pour out with prayer and pen.

If Allah inspires His servants who pray, He actually wants to give gifts.

Allah is the Almighty.


P/s : Think it's time I tell you the truth.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021



Jadilah kamu wanita yang baik hatinya,

bersih suci cinta dan sayangnya,

sikapnya perhatian dan peduli,

perlakuannya lembut dan halus,

bagai kehalusan perasaannya,

manis dan romantis tuturnya,

indah dan teduh penampilannya,

membuat mata dan hati terpana setiap harinya,

menjaga sebagaimana menjaga diri sendiri,

menemani setiap waktu, seperti selalu ada rindu,

baik saat dekat, apalagi ketika jauh.

Jadilah kamu wanita terbaik,

yang menyayangi tanpa batas waktu.


P/s : Ticktockk counting time

Friday, June 30, 2017


I think what hurts the most is
when you give your all to someone.
Through thick and thin,
you are there for them,
you stick with them,
no matter what.

Then one day they just give up.
They won't even fight for you.

The one thing you would never have done,
they did with no hesitation. 

p/s : Semoga kesusahan bisa mengajar erti terus asa.

Thursday, March 23, 2017


One year older, one year wiser


Semoga dipermudahkan jalan rezeki.
Semoga dikurniakan umur yang diberkati.
Semoga tidak menyakiti dan disakiti.
Semoga dicukupkan kesempatan berbakti untuk ibubapa.



"You can't calm the storm, so stop trying.
What you can do is calm yourself, the storm will pass"

p/s :dirgahayu.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Eternal hope.

I hope you fall in love with someone who always texts back
and never lets you fall asleep thinking you are unwanted

I hope you fall in love with someone who holds your hand during the worst parts of life
and getting back with you even when you are too busy with the chaos

I hope you fall in love with someone who sees the galaxies in your eyes
and hears the music in your heartbeats

I hope you fall in love with someone who tickles you
and makes you smile on hard days and on easy ones


But beyond all that,
i hope you fall in love with someone who will never leave you behind
and who will never take you for granted,
someone who will stand by you when you are right
and stand by you when you are wrong.

Image result for love pictures

Someone who has seen you at your worst and has loved you still. 

p/s : Hasbunallahu Wani'mal Wakeel

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Pernah rasa?

Hati kau dihenyak berkali-kali,
Direnyuk lumatkan tanpa belas,
Hingga jiwa itu mati sendiri.

Ohh ya,
Mungkin kau bukan siapa-siapa,
Jauh sekali punya satu dunia,
Yang ada cuma sipi-sipi saja.

Barangkali mereka terlupa,
Kau juga spesisnya manusia,
Yang ada hati dan rasa.

#asmilethatcovershatteredheart #perempuanmatahari

p/s : Apa-apa jee asal bolehhh

Friday, March 4, 2016



Aku bukan perempuan sempurna,
Aku ini cuma gadis biasa-biasa,
Yang biasanya itu,
Tidak punyai apa-apa

Aku tidak cantik,
Yang senyumnya selalu mengusik,
Aku tidak pandai,
Seperti mereka yang kau intai,
Aku tidak baik,
Yang dirinya boleh buat kau tertarik

Aku tidak ada apa-apa yang istimewa,
Hidupku cuma ada luka dan tawa,
Tidak seperti mereka,
Yang diimpi oleh setiap warga

Aku cuma secebis daki,
Yang tercicir di hujung dunia ini

Itu lah aku.

Cuma biasa-biasa.
Yang belajar tentang isi dunia

Ya, sederhana saja.

p/s : #asmilethatcovershatteredheart

Tuesday, December 29, 2015


Seorang kanak-kanak perempuan sedang memegang dua (2) biji epal
Ibunya menghampiri dan meminta.

"Boleh bagi ibu sebiji epal tu?"

Kanak-kanak tersebut melihat sejenak muka si ibu
lalu menggigit sedikit sebiji epal dan seterusnya menggigit sebiji epal yang satu lagi.
Ibu tersebut hanya tersenyum melihat gelagat anaknya
walaupun jauh disudut hatinya ada perasaan kecewa.

Tidak lama selepas itu
kanak-kanak tersebut menyerah sebiji epal tersebut kepada ibunya sambil berkata

"Nah.. Ibu ambil yang ini kerana yang ini lebih manis!"

Faham? Tak faham? Buat-buat faham. Hahahaha #lol

Jadi, tidak kira siapa anda
berapa banyak pengalaman serta pengetahuan yang ada
jangan terus membuat keputusan
menjatuhkan hukuman
yang tersirat kita tidak pernah tahu

"Apa yang kamu lihat tidak semestinya apa yang kamu sangka."

p/s : #resepiwajibbelajarsoon #masterchefathirahchehusin #lol

Monday, December 28, 2015



Hidup adalah satu perjalanan yang panjang
Hujungnya sejauh mata memandang
Adakala laluannya makin payah
Sedang kaki kita mula lelah
Dan langkah kita makin lemah


"Hanya hati yang sarat dengan keyakinan terhadap janji dan rahmat Allah sahaja yang akan kekal kuat dan tidak pernah merasa sendiri."


Hakikatnya hidup ini sebuah persinggahan
Persinggahan pada sebuah perjalanan
Demi menuju hari akhirat.

Moga Allah redha.

p/s: sembilan persepuluh rezeki itu datangnya dari perniagaan.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Monday, September 14, 2015

Cakap apa ni?


Takde ape.

Rasa tk sedap hati.
Cuma tktau nak rasa apa.

Rasa perasaan berbaur.
Tk tenang.

Hmm hmmm dan hmmmm.
Sementara je ni.

*tarik nafas panjang-panjang
Ingat Allah.

p/s : Sebuah perjalanan yang dinamakan kehidupan.