Showing posts with label quotes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quotes. Show all posts

Friday, February 14, 2020


One of our core needs is the need for recognition. As long as we don't feel recognized we experience some kind of fear that we are not enough. Social media owe a big part of their success to the human craving for validation,

and it seems like we have forgotten what it means to have true confidence.


Confidence is not about looking strong and invulnerable. Confidence is about being who you truly are with all your imperfections because you are not so concerned about what others think of you; you are more concerned about what you think of yourself.

"The insecure compete against other people, while the confident compete against themselves."

Being confident doesn't mean we have to show everyone how good we are;
it means that we know we are enough without having the need to show off.



"Stars don't shine because they want to be seen; they shine because they are stars."



P/s : Alaa burung yang berkicau tadi dah terbang :(

Friday, June 30, 2017


I think what hurts the most is
when you give your all to someone.
Through thick and thin,
you are there for them,
you stick with them,
no matter what.

Then one day they just give up.
They won't even fight for you.

The one thing you would never have done,
they did with no hesitation. 

p/s : Semoga kesusahan bisa mengajar erti terus asa.

Friday, December 2, 2016


Nobody is perfect. Everyone can improve. And to improve, you must change.
That is the truth.

To change, you must try new things. New ways and new tools.

Get feedback.


 Reflect on what worked and what did not.
Adjust yourself accordingly. You will learn. You will grow.


Of course, you can use skills to get more good grades in college. Graduate with distinction.
Five years later, no one cares.


But if you got skills, it allows you to learn better
and smarter.
Skills to develop good habits.
Skills to focus, reflect, and persist.

Once you stop learning, you start dying.


p/s : Allah knows what your silent heart wants.