Monday, August 8, 2022



Now that I have seen and experienced so much in my life. I feel that forever is not time bound. Although it is a measure of time but in actual sense, it lies in the small moments that you keep creating as life goes on. Those moments become memories and those memories last till you breathe.

The real meaning of 'forever' signifies loyalty and truthfulness. You giving this word to the person you love, requires honesty in it and you must remain intact as long as you exist in this world.

Let me quote the cliche line --



Had you been aware of the coming times, you would be so conscious that you could never be able to enjoy the present. Don't you agree? And now, you don't know what is next and you cannot foresee the coming tomorrow.

So, you gotta love, care, create, feel and live in between the seconds and the minutes. Understand that your 'forever' is right now, here in this very moment by the side of the person you love and to whom you will love eternally.

'Forever' is hidden in the small moments.

P / s : Count your blessings.

Monday, April 4, 2022

Bibir Yang Luka.


Dengan bibir yang luka,

bagaimana harus menyebut,

kata-kata manis,

atau menegur dan menyapa,

teman dan kenalan,

yang tak pernah mengerti,

perit derita pengalaman.

Dan bila suara berdarah,

mulut dipenuhi kepedihan,

hanya mata dapat berbicara,

dan hati mentafsirkan,

erti dan makna --


Cukuplah kiranya,

setiap kali bertemu,

menghulurkan tangan,

tetapi usahlah ditanya,

kenapa ada kegementaran,

dalam genggamannya.


P/s : B e r s a b a r l a h.

Thursday, March 3, 2022


Having faith in Allah does not give you some form of immunity towards the problems and challenges of this life.

You can have faith in Allah and still feel sad, hurt, heartbroken and depressed. The thing about faith it is meant to restore hope within you and to remind you that there will be a better tomorrow, but as humans, Allah has created us with complex emotions and we were meant to feel them and yes, that includes feeling sad too.

The point of having faith is not to have problems or remain unfazed by them, it is to know that even in the depths of the darkness you are facing, you are never alone and Allah is always there with you. Your faith is not directly proportional to your emotions, feel them, validate them but know in your heart that better days will come, insyaAllah and you will get through this and there is light at the end of this tunnel, hold on a little more, and just a little more remains.

Salaah, du'a and the Quran are life vests to keep us afloat when we are drowning. It does not mean we won't be thrust in an ocean. It does not mean we won't sometimes feel like we can't breathe and like we are being dragged under.


even when facing the highest wave, even if at times we are swallowing water and gasping for air, it is knowing we have some-One Who will bring us back and keepus afloat and help us get back to the safety of the land again.

And know that despite the negative ways others may make you feel, Allah is the One to Whom you can be vulnerable. Where we can shatter, where we can show every insecurity and know that we are still worthy.

The prophets (PBUH), has shown us that even when others do not understand, even though with your amount of worship, the struggles of life are incredibly overwhelming.

With Allah, you always have a safe place.

"Mental illness is a special trial, no bruises, no evidence. Just a silent battle that Allah has hidden from the world."

P / s: Hasbunallah Wa Ni'mal Wakeel

Wednesday, February 2, 2022




Begitu mudah lisan mengaku sayang, namun sikap sering hadirkan luka. Mungkin hati tulus memberikan cinta namun perilaku tidak enak dirasa. Berukhuwah itu berlandaskan cinta kerana Allah semata. Lantas bila benar-benar cinta mampukah diri berbuat yang sesuai dengan ajaranNya?

Bertutur santun kala bersapaan. Menebar senyum kala berpapasan. Berbincang penuh kelembutan. Dan raut wajah nampak cerah memesonakan.

Jangan pernah sengaja bersikap tidak sopan. Jangan pernah serta merta berbahasa yang mengandung kebencian. Apalagi menampakkan raut wajah penuh permusuhan.


Apa yang mau dicari, ketika keburukan cermin hati terbaca teman kita? Atau kita bangga dengan hawa nafsu yang sudah mendominasi hati kita? Amarah yang penuh kesumat telah mengikis kesucian jiwa. Padahal bersaudara dengan orang beriman sangat banyak kemanfaatan. Menjaga kita dari kesesatan, menjadi jalan menuju keselamatan, dan di akhirat berhimpun dalam syurga yang penuh keindahan,

Nasihat indah seorang ulama, Yahya bin Mu'adz Ar Razi berkata,

"Hendaknya kamu mempunyai tiga sikap terhadap sesama mukmin; Jika kamu belum mampu memberinya manfaat, maka janganlah kau beri kesusahan. Jika kamu belum mampu membuatnya gembira, janganlah kamu buat sedih. Dan jika kamu belum boleh memujinya, maka janganlah kamu mencela."




InsyaAllah penuh berkah.

Bila kita menjaga ukhuwah dengan akhlakul karimah.


P/s : Ya hayyu ya qayyum, birahmatika astaghis.

Sunday, April 4, 2021


Kita yang terluka

dan mereka bilang

kita terlalu berlebihan.

Kita yang terluka

dan mereka bilang

kita terlalu mengada-ngada.

Kita yang terluka

dan mereka berpura-pura lupa

kalau mereka adalah sebabnya.

Padahal kita yang terluka

dan mereka tak tahu apa yang kita rasa.


P /s : Allahu Allah.