Showing posts with label wishes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wishes. Show all posts

Thursday, June 21, 2018


I may have met you already, or maybe I haven't yet.
We maybe breathing the same air in this small, quiet city or maybe we are still thousands of miles away right now. I might get to be with you tomorrow or the next day or some years from now. But it doesn't matter because today, I am one day closer.

Right now, I am still in no rush. I probably am not that ready. I am still on the process of being my best self. If I get to meet you at this moment, you might not be my first priority yet. I still spend most of my time building up my career, and I still don't have time to bake for you when you crave for a slice of moist chocolate cake. But, I am preparing myself to become the independent woman that you could grow with.

You also should understand that I have flaws that took me more than twenty years to love. I don't know if you will learn to love them, but I hope you do. My hair doesn't stay in place most of the time, it always messily falls on my face. I don't have the prettiest hand to hold or the brightest eyes to look at. You might also find it weird how my nose wrinkles when I laugh. I am also not attractive when I am fast asleep, but who knows? Maybe those imperfections are what will make you love me even more.

I also want you to know that I am not scratch-free masterpiece. I've damaged a couple of times before. I've been cheated on and that's probably what made me distrustful. I've fought battles where I ended up losing. They probably made me tough. Tougher that needed, actually. You won't imagine how lost I have gotten before you came and how I've been dying for you to find me. I've been waiting for you to embrace the mess that I've become, but I also know that there will come a time that you would hurt me. However unlike the rest, seeing me hurt will hurt you twice as much.

Lastly, I want you to know that I am not easy to love. There will be times where I will get mad over the smallest things. I will always ask you to remind me that I am wanted, I would like to hear that over and over - upon seeing your face in the morning and before I close my eyes at night. I also want you to know that on rough days when I am at the verge of giving up, all you have to do is to lock me up in your arms because deep down, I don't want a second in my life without you.

Indeed above all these, I will always strive to be worthy. I will make the best coffee for you in the morning. I will be there for you after a long day at work and look at you like a superhero who just saved the world. I will give you everything that the past has failed to give you.

I will take all your pain away and I will be the only one you call "home".


Thursday, March 30, 2017


Malam ini aku rasa sunyi tanpa sebab.
Tiada bunyi.
Tiada rasa.

Hatiku denyutnya sendirian.
Seolah hati ini bagai tin kosong
yang luas jisimnya,
tapi kurang isinya.

Aku bingung apakah erti rasa ini?


Mungkin Allah beri aku ruang sendiri dan waktu,
untuk aku lebih kenal siapa aku
dalam aku.

Mother, i miss you.


Thursday, March 23, 2017


One year older, one year wiser


Semoga dipermudahkan jalan rezeki.
Semoga dikurniakan umur yang diberkati.
Semoga tidak menyakiti dan disakiti.
Semoga dicukupkan kesempatan berbakti untuk ibubapa.



"You can't calm the storm, so stop trying.
What you can do is calm yourself, the storm will pass"

p/s :dirgahayu.

Thursday, February 23, 2017


 I love deep thinkers.
People who see more than a blue sky, more than green grass,
more than a beautiful storm,
and a starlight night.
But rather they see the Creator and His beauty and perfection in everything they see
and it increases their love for Him.


"Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day are signs for those of understanding." [3:190]


O' Allah, make us people of reflection, of deep thought and humility.

p/s : Alhamdulillah a'la kulli hal

Wednesday, March 23, 2016



Hari ini hari apa?
Hari rabu.

 Siti Nur Athirah,


Bila gembira atau sedih, ingat

Allah tu selalu ada


Just because you let them enter your life
They might think they've know you
Thus they judged you
knocked you.

Takpelah. Allah knows even better than you yourself did.
Tersurat tersirat. Terlafaz tersembunyi.


senyum ok? 

Heads up. Keep walking. This isn't your final destination.

p/s : Semoga Allah permudahkan rezeki athirah.

Saturday, March 19, 2016


Maybe i don't cry,
but it hurts.

Maybe i won't say,
but i feel.

Maybe i don't show,
but i care.

and maybe i won't hate,
cause i love.


p/s : Selesai dua tinggal lagi tujuh.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015


Seorang kanak-kanak perempuan sedang memegang dua (2) biji epal
Ibunya menghampiri dan meminta.

"Boleh bagi ibu sebiji epal tu?"

Kanak-kanak tersebut melihat sejenak muka si ibu
lalu menggigit sedikit sebiji epal dan seterusnya menggigit sebiji epal yang satu lagi.
Ibu tersebut hanya tersenyum melihat gelagat anaknya
walaupun jauh disudut hatinya ada perasaan kecewa.

Tidak lama selepas itu
kanak-kanak tersebut menyerah sebiji epal tersebut kepada ibunya sambil berkata

"Nah.. Ibu ambil yang ini kerana yang ini lebih manis!"

Faham? Tak faham? Buat-buat faham. Hahahaha #lol

Jadi, tidak kira siapa anda
berapa banyak pengalaman serta pengetahuan yang ada
jangan terus membuat keputusan
menjatuhkan hukuman
yang tersirat kita tidak pernah tahu

"Apa yang kamu lihat tidak semestinya apa yang kamu sangka."

p/s : #resepiwajibbelajarsoon #masterchefathirahchehusin #lol

Monday, December 14, 2015

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Friday, September 25, 2015

Kucing kegemaran.


Aidiladha kedua.
Busy menyiapkan hantaran tunang.
Azri dah langsai,
Giliran azhar pulak.
Jadi agak-agak who's will be the next?

Dua hari lepas menghilangkan diri.
Satu family sedih.
Termasuk aku.
Semalam balik tunjuk gaya tido baru.
**Dompot, aku dah pandai suka kucing! Hehe

p/s : Semoga athirah dapat further study lg. Aminnn

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Esok Masih Ada


Saya rasa akhir sekali cita setiap perempuan; ada keluarga dan jadi surirumah.Petik kata: Tujuan perempuan belajar tinggi adalah untuk didik dia, anak dia, keluarga dia, ummah jadi lebih baik baik. Itu tujuan utama. Setuju? - UmiAlHafizahAhmad

Definitely :)

p/s : kita sakit, sedih, kecewa tapi perlukah melebihi ditangisi? Allah kan ada. 

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Good times.


Do you know what is best?

"It is being at home"


p/s : nak gi keee tknak. hmm