Thursday, March 30, 2017


Malam ini aku rasa sunyi tanpa sebab.
Tiada bunyi.
Tiada rasa.

Hatiku denyutnya sendirian.
Seolah hati ini bagai tin kosong
yang luas jisimnya,
tapi kurang isinya.

Aku bingung apakah erti rasa ini?


Mungkin Allah beri aku ruang sendiri dan waktu,
untuk aku lebih kenal siapa aku
dalam aku.

Mother, i miss you.


Thursday, March 23, 2017


One year older, one year wiser


Semoga dipermudahkan jalan rezeki.
Semoga dikurniakan umur yang diberkati.
Semoga tidak menyakiti dan disakiti.
Semoga dicukupkan kesempatan berbakti untuk ibubapa.



"You can't calm the storm, so stop trying.
What you can do is calm yourself, the storm will pass"

p/s :dirgahayu.

Thursday, February 23, 2017


 I love deep thinkers.
People who see more than a blue sky, more than green grass,
more than a beautiful storm,
and a starlight night.
But rather they see the Creator and His beauty and perfection in everything they see
and it increases their love for Him.


"Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day are signs for those of understanding." [3:190]


O' Allah, make us people of reflection, of deep thought and humility.

p/s : Alhamdulillah a'la kulli hal

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Eternal hope.

I hope you fall in love with someone who always texts back
and never lets you fall asleep thinking you are unwanted

I hope you fall in love with someone who holds your hand during the worst parts of life
and getting back with you even when you are too busy with the chaos

I hope you fall in love with someone who sees the galaxies in your eyes
and hears the music in your heartbeats

I hope you fall in love with someone who tickles you
and makes you smile on hard days and on easy ones


But beyond all that,
i hope you fall in love with someone who will never leave you behind
and who will never take you for granted,
someone who will stand by you when you are right
and stand by you when you are wrong.

Image result for love pictures

Someone who has seen you at your worst and has loved you still. 

p/s : Hasbunallahu Wani'mal Wakeel